I've been playing for years and even ran a music store a few years ago, so I know the whole sale prices on many keyboards and what's considered a reasonable price for used gear. I hope I didn't offend you by my questions. There are two modes in the PSR-730/630: Style Mode and Song Mode, and normally one of them is selected. I bought mine brand new for under $300.00. The Yamaha PSR-730/630 PortaTone combines the most advanced tone generation technology with state-of-the-art digital electronics and features to give you stunning sound quality with maximum musical enjoyment. I almost fell out of my seat when I saw this. Now the thing is selling for $499.00 with everyting included, and I also have seen it as low as $479.00 Never trust the net prices!!!! I ran across a server today that had the original DJX listed for $799.00 too. Hell some were selling it for $825.00 and that was just last year. When the 540 came out it was selling for close to $800 in most places.

Yamaha just recently discontinued the EX series and I bought mine just 3 months ago for $1,450.00, and I know it's price will go down soon too. Some stores are selling them for less too because they are discontinued. As far as price I've seen them on the net for $799.00 (Brand new and unopened) with everything included and several of the stores in my area sell them for that price as well. I feel the 540 is a little more crisp than the 630, and that's because I've done a lot of studio work and owned and played many keyboards. I understand your point, but I guess it just falls down to personal opinion.